Wow! This is a terrific article. Thanks for saying so well how disturbing this bizarre connection is.

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Outstanding piece of writing...your best yet! It is factual, timely and "in the face" of the idiots we are dealing with on a daily basis...from national "leaders" to the dumb shit lemming across the street.

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You have captured everything that's been swirling around in my cluttered brain, but I haven't been able to articulate in a coherent argument. There is no doubt, for anyone who uses their eyes, ears, and intellect that the "right to life" mantra has nothing to do with caring for life: for the indoctrinated and today's Republicans, any caring ends at birth. In fact, these brainwashed masses are demonstrating daily that to them, "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is only for white Christian men.

If I needed anything else to get my blood pressure up, Rachel Maddow on her Monday broadcast did it with her segment on the JR-15, an AR-15 style real gun for the small hands of kids. I thought, no, this can't be true! But yes, it is. So, gun-fanatic parents can make sure they pass on their fanaticism to their kids! Check it out on Snopes:https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jr-15-real-rifle-designed-children/

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