Once again Tony you shine! When you first noted a MAGA addiction, I thought it was going to be a tease. But I think your scientific analysis is spot on! It only makes sense as there is no other rational explanation for the disgusting behavior of the radical right. While I wish no one and early death, we may be seeing Darwin's natural selection at work, sadly targeting my baby boomer generation. If I have one nasty hope, I hope the grim reaper comes sooner that later for the idiot down the street who flew his Trump flag for 2 - 3 months AFTER January 6, 2021.

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You are on the mark. For further elucidation I would highly recommend “The Cult of Trump” by Steven Hassan a cult expert and deprogrammer.

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I downloaded it.....thanks Boyd

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Anthony (Tony) Smithson

Would be interested in your thoughts post read

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